
Sunday, 3 March 2013

PIRACY-NOT AGAIN !Six Strikes/steps Copyright Alert System

 	 10 Day Free Trial from TollFreeForwarding

Following  report that the CCI  ('Center for Copyright Information’)has plans  to launch the six strikes Copyright Alert System(CAL) withing the major ISPs(Internet Service Providers) eg.  AT&T, Cablevision, Comcast, Time Warner and Verizon – each ISP will reportedly launch on different days.

The Copyright Alert System is an operation project between   major content holders(i.e music producers,video producers,software creators)  and  ISPs around the country(apprately in the USA and other Europeen countries). Acctually , these content holders will be scanning major internet connections looking for people who are downloading pirated content via BitTorrent or Utorent. On first being caught the content holders will send your a warning notice through your ISP. The term "Six Strike Copyright" comes from the fact that there are three steps/tiers of warning with two warnings per tier.

For the first 2 warnings this will majorly be  “educational alerts” that tell the computer user that  they’ve been found accessing a copyrighted content.A notice which might be an email or a sort of dialogue message  will then send them to other legal sources of content with th eexpectation that the previous  warnings were enough to encourage people into buying content.

For  next two warnings step which would be  what’s called “acknowledgement alerts.” while the first two alerts were simply dialogues messages/emails, but these next two will actually take over your browser.A message will be sent  telling you that you’ve been found another time, and will state that you’ve been found before and might stop  you from browsing the Internet again.

Next  of the two steps, and maybe every nofication/caution afterwards, will be counter  measures efforts.The ISPs will then to begin cut-off  your internet-bundle/bandwidth or block web sites you mostly visit.Towever the ISPs will  not be able to cut off your Internet connection.,just restrict from certain site ,majorly those with the content you were violating.

Despite the fact  that it being anti-consumer and potentially will have  damaging effect to small businesses, the CCI informs  you to know that it’s your friend. Here is short video "educating" you of how the system works,Of  course this is only in USA for now ,so we from the other parts of the world wouldnt be affected ...At least for NOW


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